F103: Topography-Customized CXL Applications for Refractive Corneal Changes: Initial Clinical Experience
A. John Kanellopoulos, MD |
F67: A Tough Explantation
Ahmad K. Khalil, MD, PhD |
F27: Use of Retropupillary-Fixated Iris-Claw IOL in Femtosecond-Assisted DSAEK
Aimee R. Edell, MD |
F107: New Safe Phacoemulsification Technique in Rock Hard Cataracts Involving Separation of Epinucleus From Endonucleus Using a Novel Instrument
Aki Kondo, MD |
F6: The Sum of All (Late Postoperative) Fears: In-the-Bag IOL Subluxation/Dislocation
Alan S. Crandall, MD |
F142: Pre-Descemet Endothelial Keratoplasty
Amar Agarwal, FRCS |
F114: Novel Point-Source Topographer: Clinical Application and Clinical Findings
Anam Qureshi, MD |
F102: Did Sushruta Practice Couching or Extracapsular Cataract Extraction?
Andrzej E. Grzybowski, MD, PhD |
F25: Femto Laser Cataract Surgery in Marfan Syndrome
Armando Crema, MD |
F46: Why I Never Returned to Coaxial Cataract Surgery: Confessions of a Biaxial Surgeon
Arturo Pérez-Arteaga, MD |
F100: FABITOME Phaco in a Few Minutes
Arun Kumar Galli Lakshmi Narayanan, FRCS |
F4: Optic Capture: Rescuer of Capsule Catastrophe in Phacoemulsification
Arup Bhaumik, MS |
F172: Evaluation and Management of Posterior Capsule Rupture During Different Steps of Phacoemulsification
Ashraf M. Sewelam, MD |
F1: Dropped IOL
Ashvin Agarwal, MD |
F122: Posterior Chamber Phakic IOL: The Right Way Up
Athiya Agarwal, MD |
F112: Glued IOL Scleral Fixation Through Extremely Opaque Cornea Combined With DSEK
Ayan Mohanta, MS |
F88: Pediatric Capsule Jeopardy
Bharti Nihalani-Gangwani, MD |
F10: Dirty Dozen
Bina John, DO, FRCS |
F99: Lens Holding the Bag: Technique to Prevent Late Spontaneous in-the-Bag IOL Dislocation in Eyes With Extreme Zonular Weakness
Carlos Figueiredo, MD |
F50: Novel Small-Aperture Intraocular Implant
Claudio C. Trindade, MD |
F58: Phacocanaloplasty: Step by Step
Cyres K. Mehta, MD, MCH |
F105: Posterior Continuous Curvilinear Capsulorhexis With Intracameral Endoilluminator
Dae Yune Kim, MD, PhD |
F84: Intraoperative Toric IOL Rotation to Manage Corneal Astigmatism Using Continuous Real-Time Data-Streaming Intraoperative Aberrometry
Dan B. Tran, MD |
F104: Approach to Scleral Sutured Plate Haptic Intraocular Lenses
Daniel Kasuga, MD |
F26: First IOL Implanted through a 1.4 Mm Incision without Enlarging It
Danielle Deidier, MD |
F116: Methodology and Pearls Implementing Ocular Scatter Quantification in Evaluation of Refractive Surgery
David J. Sackel, MD, MBA |
F125: Chopping and Phacoemulsification: Easier, Safer, and Less Tiresome
Debashis Dutta, MS |
F145: Surgical Management of Laser Treatment for Myopia Correction Via Small-Incision Lenticule Extraction
Detlev R. H. Breyer, MD |
F146: One-Step Transepithelial Photorefractive Keratectomy
Diego de Ortueta, MD, FEBO |
F129: Management of Capsule Rupture During Cataract Surgery
Dieter W. Klaas, MD |
F30: Transitioning to Femtosecond Laser-Assisted Cataract Surgery: Strategies for the Novice Surgeon
Dilraj S. Grewal, MD |
F94: Endoscopy for IOL Challenging Cases
Durval M. Carvalho, MD |
F74: Clinical Experience With the APX: Novel Device for Pupil Expansion
Ehud I. Assia, MD |
F49: Nuclear Fragmentation Techniques for ORBIS: Hard Cataracts As Seen on the Flying Eye Hospital
Emile Sharifi, MD |
F63: Optimizing Astigmatism Results in Femtosecond Laser-Assisted Cataract Surgery with Implantation of Multifocal Intraocular Lens
Fabio H. Casanova, MD, PhD |
F53: Novel Combination of Femtosecond Laser and Nanosecond Laser Completion for Bladeless Clear Cornea Cataract Extraction
Feilin Zhu, MD |
F165: Haptic Transplantation: Orthopedic Ophthalmic Surgery
Fernando González del Valle, MD |
F157: New 355-Degree Intracorneal Ring to Correct Nipple-Type Keratoconus
Francisco Sánchez León, MD |
F47: Low IOP Phaco-Changing Paradigm
Gabor B. Scharioth, MD, PhD |
F41: Single-Handed Single-Port Phacoemulsification-Our Technique
Gaurav Mishra, MD |
F91: In Vivo 3-Dimensional Epithelial Imaging by OCT Used as Relevant Clinical Tool
George Asimellis, PhD |
F161: Case Series of Endophthalmitis After Intravitreal Injection of Counter Fight Bevacizumab
Gerd U. Auffarth, MD |
F22: Flight of the Arrow-Toric IOL Power Prediction
Graham D. Barrett, FRANZCO |
F45: Femtosecond Laser-Assisted Cataract Surgery in Presence of a Hydrogel Intracorneal Inlay
Gregory D. Parkhurst, MD |
F153: Femtosecond-Assisted High Myopic LASIK: Comparison of Standard and LASIK Xtra
Gregory J. Pamel, MD |
F160: Modification of Miyake-Apple Posterior Viewing Camera to Aid Understanding of Big-Bubble Formation in Deep Anterior Lamellar Keratoplasty
Gregory Moloney, MBBS, FRANZCO |
F56: Ab-Interno Approach to the Subconjunctival Space: Gel Stent in Combination With Glaucoma-Approved Laser-Assisted Cataract Surgery
H. Burkhard Dick, MD |
F166: Anterior Chamber Live Motile Parasite
Hamidreza Hasani, MD |
F8: Fukasaku Viewing to Obtain 3D Image of Surgical Treatment
Hideharu Fukasaku, MD |
F141: BC Flushing
Hironori Yoshida, MD, PhD |
F13: Opacification of Intraocular Lenses
Hiroyuki Matsushima, MD, PhD |
F140: Temperature in Corneal Endothelium During Phacoemulsification
Hisaharu Suzuki, MD |
F156: Copolymer Phakic IOL Explantation, Cataract Removal, and Foldable Acrylic IOL Implantation
Hisham Saad, MD, FRCS |
F98: Tenon Reinforcement for Conjunctivochalasis
Hosam El Sheha, MD, PhD |
F73: Safer Phaco for the Beginner-Capsulorhexis
Ian Yeo, FRCS |
F11A: Mission Impossible: Multifocal Toric IOL in Case of Cataract with Iridodialysis
Igor Kaplin, MD |
F31: The Use of Retropupillary Fixated Iris-Claw IOL in Dislocated Secondary IOL Exchange
Ilyse D. Haberman, MD |
F151: Keratoconus Management: Long-Term Stability of Topography-Guided Normalization Combined With High Fluence CXL (Athens Protocol)
Ioanna Kontari, MD |
F32: Shallow Anterior Chamber During Phaco: 3-Step Cutoff
Ismail I. Hamza, MD |
F90: Innovative 2-Point Fixation Complete Phaco Chopper for Effective, Efficient, and Controlled Phaco Chopping
Jagdish R. Rana, MD |
F9: Surgical Anterior Capsulotomy for Complete Capsule Phimosis
Jason Ho, MBBS |
F124: Pterygium Surgery-Pride and Humility
Javier Celis Sánchez, MD |
F43: Anterior Segment Reconstruction for Extensive Fibrous Ingrowth Following Angle-Closure Glaucoma
Jia Y. Ng, MBChB, MAcadMed |
F149: Pterygium Surgery Pearls
John A. Hovanesian, MD |
F71: An IOL Grappling Hook
John J. McK Smiles, FRANZCO |
F130: What You See Is What You Get: Understanding Diffraction With IOLs
Jonathan C. Lake, MD |
F108: Phacoemulsification Using a Chisel-Shaped Illuminator: Enhanced Depth Trench, One-Shot Crack, and Phaco Cut
Jong Hwan Lee, MD |
F21: Small Is Not Always Good
Jong Wook Bang, MD |
F87: Surgical Techniques to Conquer Intumescent Cataract
Jun Hun Lee, MD |
F117: Contact Lens-Assisted Collagen Crosslinking: New Technique for CXL in Thin Corneas
Kala Satish, MD |
F2: Intraocular Lens-Assisted Nuclear Segments Management After PCR During Phacoemulsification
Kapil Agrawal, MS |
F133: Backward Flow of Contaminated OVD Into Cartridge During IOL Insertion Using Injector
Kazuki Matsuura, MD |
F110: Fluidic Supporting System for Posterior Polar Cataracts: New Technique
Keiki R. Mehta, MS, DO, FIOS |
F121: FACT: Femto-Assisted Corneal Tattoo
Keith Walter, MD |
F52: Cataract Surgery With Consecutive IOL Exchange Under a Corneal Inlay
Kevin L. Waltz, OD, MD |
F72: The Invaders-of the Eye
Lakshmipathy R. Srinivasan, MBBS, DO |
F126: Ocular Allergy: A New Sign to Help Find Hidden Forme Fruste Keratoconus
Leonardo C. Gontijo, MD |
F7: Various Cataract Difficulties From the Past Year
Luther L. Fry, MD |
F150: Central Island Presented as Ectasia
Mahmoud Jabbarvand, MD |
F68: A New Way of Controlling Venturi Pump Flow Volume in Cataract Surgery
Makoto Kishimoto, MD |
F78: Management of Soft Cataract-Pearls and Pitfalls
Manas K. Ghosh, MS |
F158: Autoconjunctival Grafting Using Autogenous Blood in Pterygium Excision
Manoj Saxena, MD |
F136: Anterior Capsule Contraction Syndrome After Cataract Phacoemulsification Surgery
Marco Rios, MD |
F168: Unexpected Entrance Into Pre-Dua-Descemet Space During Surgical Treatment of Post-Traumatic Endophthalmitis: Unusual Complication
Maria-Jose Leon-Cabello, MD, PhD |
F120: Pushing the Boundaries With the Bag-in-the-Lens Implant
Marie José B. Tassignon, MD, PhD |
F48: Microinvasive Surgery in Treatment of Patients With Congenital Iris Coloboma and Cataract
Marina A. Shanturova, MD |
F33: Viscoelastic-Free Femtosecond Laser-Assisted Cataract Surgery
Marta Ibarz, MD |
F69: Lens Fiber Orientation During Phacoemulsification: Intraoperative Global Positioning System for the Surgeon
Mathew K. Kummelil, MD |
F154: Descemet Membrane Endothelial Keratoplasty Unveiled-From D to K
Mauricio A. Perez, MD |
F152: Singular Case of Endothelial Keratoplasty
Miguel A. Lopez, MD |
F167: Challenging Cataract Surgery
Milan G.J. Izak, MD, PhD |
F70: Nucleus Management Made Easy in Manual Small-Incision Sutureless Cataract Surgery
Minu M. Mathen, MD |
F59: Effect of Cleaning Schlemm Canal and Total Lens Capsulectomy on IOP Reduction in Patient With Complicated Pseudoexfoliation Glaucoma
Miyuki Nagahara, MD, PhD |
F66: Femtosecond Laser-Assisted DSAEK: Easier and Safer Technique
Mohamed H. Hosny, MD, FRCS |
F15: The Ten Commandments of PCR Recognition and Management
Mohan Rajan, MD |
F24: Advantages of MICS in Pseudoexfoliation
Monica Cid, MD |
F97: Totally Flutter-Free Phacoemulsification Surgery by Double Irrigation-Tube Technique
Mukesh H. Dholakia, MS |
F128: Let There Be Wavefront IV: Retinal Image Quality
Myoung Joon Kim, MD |
F38: Skewer and Cure: Novel Method of Phacoemulsification
Myron Lewyckyj, MD |
F92: Pure Phaco-Pure Delight
Narayan Bardoloi, MBBS, DO |
F35: Phaco Capsulotomy Versus Conventional Capsulorhexis in Intumescent Hypermature Cataract: Handling Positive Intralenticular Pressure
Neeraj Khunger, MD |
F86: New IOL Design for Scleral Fixation
Norihiko Yoshida, MD |
F37: Cataract Surgery in Uveitic Eyes
Olivia L. Lee, MD |
F60: Transpupillary Argon Ciliary Ablation for Treatment of Refractory Glaucoma
Osamah J. Saeedi, MD |
F144: Repeat Penetrating Keratoplasty in Patients With Herpetic Stromal Keratitis
Osman S. Arslan, MD |
F111: Epicapsular IOL Fixation: Novel Use of Pupillary Expansion Ring in Capsulotomy to Support a 3-Piece IOL
Paul G. Mitchell, MD |
F119: Combined Laser-Assisted Cataract Surgery With Laser Posterior Capsulotomy and Silicone Oil Removal
Pavel Stodulka, MD, PhD |
F170: Digital Media in Ophthalmology: Dr. Internet @ Your Service
Priya S. Narang, MS |
F169: Cataract Surgery in Pseudoexfoliation Cataracts: Surgical Techniques
Puttaiah Mohan, MS, FRCSEd |
F77: New Single-Use Adjustable Vacuum Trephine
Rachel Epstein, MD |
F12: CSI: Heidelberg-IOL Analysis
Ramin Khoramnia, MD |
F18: Edge of Darkness-Endophthalmitis
Ravi Shankar, MBBS, DO |
F170A: The Quest
Robert H. Osher, MD |
F85: Complete Separation of Femto-Fragmented Nucleus Quadrants With New Prechopper
Ronald Yeoh, MD |
F163: Sleep Tight, Don´t Warp Your Eyes
Ronaldo M. Badaro, MD |
F79: Use of a Novel Capsular Anchoring Device to Treat Zonulysis in a Case of Decentered Trifocal Multifocal IOL
Ruth Lapid-Gortzak, MD, PhD |
F106: Three-Point Scleral Fixation of Single-Piece Acrylic IOL to Prevent Tilting
Sang Woo Kim, MD |
F143: Laser-Assisted Lamellar Anterior Keratoplasty
Shashi M. Alloju, MD |
F139: Phaco Fluidics Logics
Sivagnanam Subbiah, BE |
F11: An Unsung Hero-Hydrodissection in Cataract Surgery
Sonia R. John, MS |
F148: Refractive Nightmares
Sonu Goel, DND, MNAMS |
F57: Stab Incision Glaucoma Surgery
Soosan Jacob, FRCS, MS |
F164: Video Review of Microbial Patient and Operating Room Personnel Sampling and Culture of an Ambulatory Ophthalmological Unit
Sophia Bourdou, RN |
F101: Femtosecond Intrastromal Lenticular Implantation: Innovative Technique for Surgical Treatment of Hyperopia
Sri Ganesh, MBBS, MS, DNB |
F42: Glued IOLs: A Quick-Fix Solution
Sujatha Mohan, DO, MD |
F3: Tackling Challenges During Femtosecond Laser-Assisted Cataract Surgery
Surendra Basti, MD |
F171: Pearls for Infantile Cataract Management
Suresh K. Pandey, MD |
F75: The Next Gen Pupil-Dilating Ring
Suven Bhattacharjee, MS, DO |
F80: Taming the Untamed: Micro Instrumentation in the Anterior Chamber
Swapna Nair, FRCS |
F83: New Intraocular Lens Fixated in Ciliary Sulcus Without Scleral Suture in the Absence of Capsule Support
Takeshi Sugiura, MD |
F55: Deep Sclerectomy Assisted by Trypan Blue in Combined Surgery for Open-Angle Glaucoma
Thierry Delayre, MD |
F14: T-Fixation Technique for Pars Plana Intrascleral Haptic Fixation of Posterior Chamber IOL
Toshihiko Ohta, MD |
F65: Nucleus Division Without Rotation Technique: Umbrella Technique
Tsukasa Hanemoto, MD |
F5: Now You See It, Now You Don’t: A Unique Complication of Phacoemulsification
Tuhin Chowdhury, MD, DO |
F51: Femto-Delineation: Posterior Polar Simplified
Vaishali Vasavada, MS |
F96: Pupilloplasty and Retropupilar Fixation of Iris-Claw IOL
Victoria de Rojas, MD, PhD |
F19: Pearls for Phacoemulsification in Traumatic Cataract
Vidushi Sharma, MD, FRCS |
F17: Managing Intraoperative Nucleus Drop in a Mature Cataract During Phacoemulsification: Anterior Segment Approach
Vipin Sahni, MS |
F113: Artificial-Iris Suturing Technique
Vladimir Pfeifer, MD |
F159: Femtosecond Laser Implantation of a Variable Depth Foldable Artificial Cornea for Customized Treatment of Cornea Blindness
Yichieh Shiuey, MD |
F134: Detection of Intraocular Foreign Bodies and Removal Surgery Using a Super-Wide-Angle Fundus Camera
Yoshihide Nakai, MD |
F61: Surgical Intervention in Late Endophthalmitis After Trabeculectomy With MMC
Yuri Takhtaev, MD |
F109: Repositioning Surgery Using a Ciliary Sulcus Injector for Severe Cyclodialysis and Iridodialysis
Yusuke Matsuzaki, MD |