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Displaying all films in category: Cataract Complications
F1: Dropped IOL
Ashvin Agarwal, MD |
F2: Intraocular Lens-Assisted Nuclear Segments Management After PCR During Phacoemulsification
Kapil Agrawal, MS |
F3: Tackling Challenges During Femtosecond Laser-Assisted Cataract Surgery
Surendra Basti, MD |
F4: Optic Capture: Rescuer of Capsule Catastrophe in Phacoemulsification
Arup Bhaumik, MS |
F5: Now You See It, Now You Don’t: A Unique Complication of Phacoemulsification
Tuhin Chowdhury, MD, DO |
F6: The Sum of All (Late Postoperative) Fears: In-the-Bag IOL Subluxation/Dislocation
Alan S. Crandall, MD |
F7: Various Cataract Difficulties From the Past Year
Luther L. Fry, MD |
F8: Fukasaku Viewing to Obtain 3D Image of Surgical Treatment
Hideharu Fukasaku, MD |
F9: Surgical Anterior Capsulotomy for Complete Capsule Phimosis
Jason Ho, MBBS |
F10: Dirty Dozen
Bina John, DO, FRCS |
F11: An Unsung Hero-Hydrodissection in Cataract Surgery
Sonia R. John, MS |
F11A: Mission Impossible: Multifocal Toric IOL in Case of Cataract with Iridodialysis
Igor Kaplin, MD |
F12: CSI: Heidelberg-IOL Analysis
Ramin Khoramnia, MD |
F13: Opacification of Intraocular Lenses
Hiroyuki Matsushima, MD, PhD |
F14: T-Fixation Technique for Pars Plana Intrascleral Haptic Fixation of Posterior Chamber IOL
Toshihiko Ohta, MD |
F15: The Ten Commandments of PCR Recognition and Management
Mohan Rajan, MD |
F17: Managing Intraoperative Nucleus Drop in a Mature Cataract During Phacoemulsification: Anterior Segment Approach
Vipin Sahni, MS |
F18: Edge of Darkness-Endophthalmitis
Ravi Shankar, MBBS, DO |
F19: Pearls for Phacoemulsification in Traumatic Cataract
Vidushi Sharma, MD, FRCS |